How are Geotextiles used
Do you know in which all places geotextile is used? If not, then you don’t have to worry as by reading this blog, you can find all the applications where you can use the geotextile. If you want to buy geotextile for your business, then you should reach out to Rajdhani Syntex, the eminent geobag manufacturer in India . Difference between Woven and non-Woven Geotextile Do you know what the difference between woven and non-woven geotextile/ If no, then it is not hard to find is? Woven geotextile is constructed from the interlaced yarn, polypropylene and other fibers; however, non-woven geotextile is made of needled punched synthetic fibers. One can say that the woven geotextile is semi-impermeable, that is it has a lower flow-through rate. The non-woven geotextile is permeable and has a higher drain through flow rate. The woven geotextile has high tensile strength and load capacity, which are commonly used in road construction. The woven fabric is excellent for the stabilization and r...